Coleman Vacuum Systems | Nassau & Suffolk County, Long Island | Industrial Vacuum Truck Parts | Snow Flooding


As melting snow increases the chances for flooding, Long Island residents & business owners are urged to clear ice or debris that may clog storm drains and if that doesn’t work to report the blockage.

Here’s what to do:

- Keep neighborhood storm drains free of ice, snow and debris, which can require repeatedly clearing the drain as snow falls, plows pass by, or ice builds up.

- Be sure that when you shovel driveways or sidewalks you do not pile snow on top of storm drains.

-Use a shovel to clear the top of the grate of a blocked storm drain, breaking up and removing any built up ice.  

When weather  the Long Island, NY forecasts predict warmer temperatures, Long Island residents can help prevent and prepare for possible flooding. Nassau & Suffolk County residents & business owners who feel safe doing so can help keep storm drain inlets and swales open by using a shovel or rake. You may need to do this more than once.

Direct melt off away from structures by creating paths. Remember water will travel from high points to low points by the easiest means possible. Given this, you may want create safe pathways for water flow and/or obtain sand bags now. Keep an eye on your neighborhood storm drains (grates on the streets and inlets within a curb area) especially when rain is predicted. If it is safe to do so, continue to clear snow, ice and slush that may otherwise block your storm drain inlet to help prevent localized flooding.

During snowy weather, storm drains need your help to function as they're supposed to. Leaving them covered with snow means there's no place for rain and melting snow to go, so it could pool up or cause flooding.

Do not block storm drains with snow shoveled from your driveway.
If the storm drain is blocked, use a shovel to clear the top of the grate, and break up and remove any built up ice.

NEVER remove a storm drain lid or attempt to clean a drain located in a busy street.
Do not wade into water when you are unsure of the depth.

The Best Storm Water Removal 
Company On Long Island

Phone: 516.825.1010 Fax: 631.475.2898

Leaves and debris can cause localized flooding if they cover storm drains in the street. Blowing or sweeping fallen leaves into the street makes them a safety and storm water hazard to your property and your neighborhood. The storm drains in your street catch, move, and release rainwater into the nearest stream to keep excess water away from your property.

Check to make sure storm drains in your neighborhood are clear of debris before major storm events
Rake fallen leaves into your yard waste bin
Use leaves as mulch on garden beds and landscaped areas
Join the
Please make sure any landscaping companies hired by your Home Owners Association also refrain from blowing leaves into the street.


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