Covid 19 | Coronavirus & The Trucking Industry - Coleman Vacuum Systems Inc.

Trucking on the Front Line in Fight Against COVID-19 - Coleman Vacuum Systems Inc.

Coronavirus: What it does to the body - BBC News

As an increasingly aware United States mobilizes to contain the spread the new Coronavirus that causes COVID-19, the trucking industry is uniquely positioned to help in the containment effort – or further accelerate the spread of the pandemic.

As the importance of containing the virus hits home, many fleets are stepping up to educate drivers on being safe, while scrambling to meet the run on consumer items that is happening in some areas of the country as people try to prepare for a worst-case scenario.

Information and Resources on COVID-19 (Coronavirus ...

“The Coronavirus has definitely thrown us a huge curve ball. We are seeing some crazy spikes right now with our customers that are shipping paper products, water, and even beer,” Olivia Young, director of marketing and national sales manager for Navajo Express, Denver, Colorado, told HDT in an interview. "We have to figure out where do we need to adjust our capacity? Where do we need to find more volume? Who can I reach out to in order to find that extra volume? Who can I reach out to to maybe shift some lanes around? So that way we're making sure we're taking care of all of our partners.... Where will it shift over the next couple months? And, you know, I don't think anybody knows.”

Safety Tips for COVID-19 From Coleman Vacuum Systems Inc.
As far as driver information and education goes, Young said Navajo has used its in-cab ELD/telematics system to send daily tips to drivers, and also has a document available on its app, with advice such as frequent hand-washing and staying in the truck as much as possible. For drivers who come in to the terminal, they offer tissues, Clorox wipes and other items they may need. “So we’re trying to make sure we keep them safe, and just staying on top of it, staying aware of it,” she adds.

Hygiene Tips for COVID-19 From Coleman Vacuum Systems Inc.
A spokesman for Bulldog Hiway Express told HDT that the company is “monitoring the Coronavirus situation daily. We have distributed the recommended personal hygiene practices as outlined by the CDC to all employees. We have established and tested our functional capability to operate our business remotely should that need present itself. We have communicated with customers to understand their protocol for drivers doing business at their facilities. All non-essential business travel has been stopped."

GSK to join global effort to develop coronavirus vaccine - PharmaTimes

Jay Mathewson, fleet manager at Ben E. Keith Foods, a Texas-based food and beverage distribution fleet, told HDT that as a broad band food distributor, it is seeing a huge upswing in all disinfectant products and paper products from toilet paper and paper towels, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and so on. “Right now,” he said, “our numbers are not being affected, but with the cancellations of large events I am sure it will start to, and if people start staying home it will affect our business.”

Mathewson said Ben E. Keith has advised its drivers to wear sanitary gloves, and it has issued all employees hand sanitizer. Furthermore, he said, the company has told employees to stay home if they feel sick and not come to work.

“I will say that I personally think everyone should try and look at this with some common sense and not blow it out of proportion,” Mathewson said. “If you look at the number of confirmed cases and deaths from this virus worldwide, it is far less than what the flu does every year. The amount of people that also have recovered from it percentage wise is far greater than the number of people that haven’t recovered.”

NPS Public Health Update (U.S. National Park Service)

Sound Advice from Coleman Vacuum Systems Inc.

However, health officials say it's important to slow the spread of the disease to avoid overwhelming medical facilities. In Italy, where the disease spread rapidly, health officials report doctors having to make excruciating choices over which patients are put on ventilators. People with other life-threatening illnesses also are affected with hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients.  New York and New Jersey have been hit especially hard due to this pandemic.  It is important for Long Island residents to stay  home and be safe.


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